Centennial Hall - Center School
Center School
Center School Class picture
Oliver S. Hobbs house. c. 1907
Raymond Hobbs c. 1912
Hobbs Rd. and New Rd.
Smith House - 23 Hobbs Rd.
Warner & Hobbs Carriage Shop - Atlantic Ave.
Tarlton & Drew Horse Shoes
North Hampton Railroad Station. c. 1884
Morris H. Smith, Herman L. Marston, D. Curtis Smith
Norman Leavitt. c. 1923
L. Frank Hobbs Jr.
Grandmother Knowles - Aunt Data
Betty Hobbs
Mrs. Eliza Hobbs Smith
Gertrude Hobbs. c. 1900
Gertrude Hobbs. c. 1900
John W.F. Hobbs, Leon P. Hobbs, Lemyra Hobbs, Carrie When
Mary Elizabeth Hobbs
Mary Elizabeth Hobbs
Raymond Hobbs - baby
Raymond Hobbs - young child
Raymond Hobbs - young boy
Raymond Hobbs, Oliver S. Hobbs
Raymond and Gertrude Hobbs
Nima Locke - daughter of Albert and Susan Locke
Marston, Great Grandfather
George Moore - gave money for children’s candy on Memorial Day
Charles Page
John Ellsworth Smith
John L. Smith - husband of Rebecca P. Smith
21 Hobbs Rd.