Betsey Davis Old Postcard Collection

View from Little Boar’s Head - Published by James Batchelder - postmark date 1917

George Taylor’s Place 1912

Little Boar’s Head Post Office

Batchelder’s Hotel Little Boar’s Head

postmark date 1917

Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Alvan T. Fuller Estate c. 1928

Eastern Shore, Little Boar’s Head

Little Boar’s Head from Sandy Beach. postmark date 1917

Along The Boulevard looking South. Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1916

Along The Boulevard North Point, Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Studebaker House - Little Boar’s Head

Studebaker House - Little Boar’s Head

Fox Point, Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Looking South, Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Fish Houses, Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Old Elm, Lafayette Road . postmark date 1917. Published by S.A. Dow

Alvan T. Fuller House

Little Boar’s Head. c. 1910

Bass Beach and Little Boar’s Head. postmark date 1917

Atlantic Avenue. postmark date 1917

Boynton House - card written 1938, picture on card is from 1860 -1870

Market Square, Postmouth. postmark date 1917

Portsmouth, postmark date 1911

postmark date 1910 - Congress St. Portsmouth - Published by R.C. Boyd

Entrance of Old Toll Bridge and B. & M. Station, Newington

The Square, Exeter. Published in Germany by D. Kelliher, Exeter, N.H.

Straw’s Point from Rye Beach

Sea View House, Rye Beach. postmark date 1911

North Hampton Railroad Station. 1923

Willows in front of Farragut Hotel, Rye Beach

Marion Mattoon Old Postcard Collection

Congregational Church and Parsonage, North Hampton - postmark date 1910

St. Andrew’s - by - the - Sea, Rye Beach

B. & M. Railroad Station, North Hampton - Published by S.A. Dow

Schoolhouse and Congregational church, North Hampton - Published by S.A. Dow. postmark date 1918

Center School Class Picture - c. 1914 -
Earl Knowles, Bartlett Batchelder, Helen Whenal, Marion Drake, Norman Haines, Etta Norton, Rolland Shaw, Miss Campbell, Ruth Philbrick, Doris Norton, Marion Berry, Muriel Hill, Louise Philbrick, Marland Knowles, Carl Heath, Clarence Marston, Richard Goss

Fuller Gardens

Norton’s Cabins - Lafayette Road, Route 1 - North Hampton

Langiell Motel Court

Batchelder’s Hotel

Fuller Residence, Little Boar’s Head

Rock Garden at Little Boar’s Head

Rye Beach Inn, Rye Beach - 1915

The Scotts - Thresher Motel Court

Union Chapel, Little Boar’s Head

Rock Garden and Fish Houses, Little Boar’s Head

Stoneleigh Manor, Rye Beach, Built by John W. Berry of North Hampton. postmark date 1920

The Center, North Hampton - published by S.A. Dow - postmark date 1917

Atlantic Avenue looking east - 1912

Emma Leonard House - corner of Post Rd. and Winnicutt Rd.

The Farragut House, Ocean Blvd. ( Rt. 1 A ). Rye Beach

Fuller Gardens

Painting by Robert A. Southworth

Carol Ann Stover Old Postcard Collection

Centennial Hall and Schoolhouse. Published by S.A. Dow

Public Library, North Hampton. Published by S.A. Dow & Son

The Marshes, Hampton Beach

The United Church of Christ, North Hampton

Little River Church, North Hampton

old map of North Hampton

Town Hall, North Hampton

Old Home Day - July 10, 1993

Little Boar’s Head

Fish Houses at Little Boar’s Head

Elinor Brown Old Postcard Collection

Christmas and New Year Greeting Postcard

Christmas postcard - postmark date 1914

Christmas postcard

Merry Christmas postcard

Christmas postcard

New Year’s Greetings postcard

Easter postcard - postmark date 1915

Easter poster - postmark date 1916

Easter Greetings postcard

Merry Christmas postcard - postmark date 1917

Happy Easter postcard

Merry Christmas postcard

Joyful Christmas postcard

Happy New Year postcard

Merry Christmas postcard

Happy New Year postcard

Christmas postcard

Happy New Year postcard - postmark date 1917

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1908

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1908

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1915

Easter postcard

Happy New Year postcard

Easter Greeting postcard - postmark date 1911

1908 Valentine postcard - Artist - DP Crane

Donald McGill postcard “ Somebody knows ! Somebody Cares !

New Year greeting - postmark date 1924

Easter Greeting postcard - postmark date 1909

Easter Greeting postcard

Easter Greeting postcard

Easter Greeting postcard

Easter Greeting postcard - postmark date 1908

Easter Greeting postcard

United for Victory postcard - postmark date 1917

Memorial Day postcard

Teddy Roosevelt w/ Riffle Hunting - Cracker Jack Bears postcard No. 15

Memorial Day postcard - postmark date 1909

Teddy Roosevelt with Generals Pre-WWI - 1905. Nellie B. Van Slingerland copyright 1905

George Washington postcard - postmark date 1911

Midnight Ride of Paul Revere postcard

Abraham Lincoln’s Address at Gettysburg postcard

George Washington entering New York - postcard

Meeting of President Abraham Lincoln and General Grant - postcard

Abraham Lincoln postcard - postmark date 1910

Easter Greetings postcard - postmark date 1907

Happy Easter postcard

Easter Greeting postcard

Thanksgiving postcard

Happy Easter postcard

Happy Easter postcard

Thanksgiving Greeting postcard - postmark date 1909

Thanksgiving Greeting - postmark date 1913

Thanksgiving Greeting - postcard

Best Wishes postcard

Halloween postcard - postmark date 1917

Thanksgiving Greeting postcard

Thanksgiving Greeting postcard

St. Patrick Day postcard - postmark date 1909

St. Patrick Day postcard - postmark date 1910

Birthday Greetings postcard

Halloween postcard

Happy Birthday postcard

In Haste To Greet You postcard

Happy Christmas postcard - W. Cairn Jones

Down and Out postcard - postmark date 1910

“ 57 Varieties “ postcard - Gene Carr - Copyright 1907 - The Rolograph Co. NY

Valentine postcard

1908 Valentine postcard

Happy Easter postcard

Edward Kuhn Mansion - Little Boar’s Head postcard - postmark date 1913

Valentine’s Greeting postcard

Valentine postcard

Valentine postcard

Margaret & Vivian Brown Old Postcard Collection

Little Boar’s Head postcard - Published by James > Batchelder

Little Boar’s Head postcard - Published by James L. Batchelder

Lobster Posts - Fish Houses - Little Boar’s Head postcard

Union Chapel, Little Boar’s Head postcard

Four Corners ( Atlantic Ave. and Route 1 ) postcard - postmark date 1907

Rose Garden at Ex-Governor Fuller’s Summer Residence, Little Boar’s Head - postcard

Walk by the Sea, Little Boar’s Head - postcard

Residence of Mrs. Carl S. Fuller, Little Boar’s Head

Jean Booker Old Postcard Collection

Birthday Greeting postcard

Christmas postcard - postmark date 1910

Merry Christmas postcard

Merry Christmas postcard

Many Happy Returns of the Day - postcard

Valentine Greeting - postcard

United Church of Christ 1987 postcard

Merry Christmas postcard

Priscilla Leavitt Old Postcard Collection

Little Boar’s Head postcard - postmark date 1910

Part of the Ways, Road to Rye Beach postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date 1908

Atlantic Avenue postcard - Published by R.R. Rollins - postmark date 1908

Alvan T. Fuller residence postcard -

Betsey Ross Making The First American Flag 1776 postcard - postmark date 1916

George Washington Crossing the Delaware, Dec. 23, 1776 postcard - postmark date 1916

Four Corners - Atlantic Ave and Rt. 1 postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date 1915

Atlantic Avenue looking East postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date 1915

B. & M. Railroad Station postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date c .1915

Atlantic Avenue on Road to the Beach postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date C. 1915

The Old Garrison House postcard - Published by S.A. Dow - postmark date c. 1915

On the Road to Little Boar’s Head postcard - Published by R.R. Rollins - postmark date c. 1915

Hampton River Bridge, Longest Wooden Bridge in the World, Hampton Beach postcard - Published by Roy R. Rollins - postmark date c. 1915

Looking South, Little Boar’s Head postcard - postmark date c. 1915

Little Boar’s Head, from Sandy Beach postcard - postmark date c. 1915

View of North Hill, Centennial Hall, Congregational church, postcard - postmark date 1908

Under The Willows, Rye Beach postcard - postmark date 1906

postcard - postmark date 1915

Home of Mrs. A.G. Hobson - Little Boar’s Head - Chapel Rd. - Where parents, operas, and festivals were performed - postcard

Little River School yard - postcard

North Hill - Centennial Hall - Congregational church - postcard

North Hill - Centennial Hall - Congregational church - postcard - postmark date 1908

Alumni Hall - Phillips Exeter Academy - Dinner Menu - 1910 -

Happy Easter postcard - postmark date 1913

Memorial Day postcard - postmark date 1913

4th of July Greeting postcard

4th of July postcard - Ellen H. Clapsaddle - postmark date 1912

4th of July postcard - C. Chapman - postmark date 1910

Valentine postcard - Ellen H. Clapsaddle - postmark date 1911

Valentine postcard

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1908

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1906

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1910

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1910

Valentine postcard

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1914

Valentine postcard - postmark date 1914