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Upcoming Exhibits & Events
The Historical Society now has a Facebook page. Visit us now! Please visit weekly to see historic photographs.
Participate or Become A Member
Please consider joining the Society, volunteer to assist in organizing the collection, or helping with programs.
The North Hampton Historical Society Blog
The Society’s blogmaster will ruminate on interesting North Hampton and Historical Society facts…
Our Mission

What We Do
Collect and preserve historical materials of significance to the Town of North Hampton
Supply historical info about North Hampton via real and virtual exhibits, a/v presentations, brochures, timeline and answering specific inquiries
Offer free presentations about local, regional and New Hampshire history
Schedule special events
Sell North Hampton Historical Society merchandise
“The Way it was in North Hampton”, Chace 1857 map reproduction
Note Paper and Xmas ornaments depicting local landmarks
“George Washington’s Rules Of Civility”